Neil D Paris

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Deliberations & Decisions: Lunar Eclipse Cycle 3 (Nov 30)

Lunar Eclipse Cycle 3; ruler Mercury in Cycle 8:

[Nov 30 @ 1:29am LA, 4:29am NY, 9:29am UK, 8:29pm SYD]

DECISION TIME. The Revelation of Info Revealed now (via media, mail, neighbor, brothers/sisters or word on the street - all Cycle 3 themes) triggers thoughts that then trigger emotional responses (as all Lunar Eclipses do) that then push us to Finally Decide if we are Done With This or Ready to Permanently Change That.

Lots of information, data, opinions, sermons and signposts under this one (Cycle 3). Which is right for YOU? Which exit to take; voice to listen to? That’s key, now. Perhaps what's right for the others around you, doesn't hold true for You.

There’s movement, migration. People want to up and leave. Elope. Run away. Take off. Or simply cross the street. Reactions are fast - and liable to keep changing. One minute we think and feel One Way; the next moment it shape-shifts - staying adaptable helps now (this is a Mutable Eclipse; Gemini the sign of mercurial change). Now you see it, now you don’t. Sleight of hand. Now you hear it, now you don’t. Mixed messages, trickster deceit.

The winds of change blow strong around eclipses and legend has it, it's best not to make a sudden leap based on impulse around this time. Things aren't stable. But stability has been missing for a while now. So, perhaps quickly following impulse, intuition and information unveiled now, isn't such a bad idea.

Sometimes you have to improvise and wing it.

Good to give it a few days to a week to really decide but you will have to make a decision. You have to Get Real and Get Serious about the directions that drag you down, the mindsets that murder your growth, the words you waste - or worse, wound yourself and others with: negative self-talk, violent vitriol and bitter recriminations.

Forgiving and forgetting may be hard right now as the mass mind is muddled, intense yet confused, vague and ambivalent, still wounded and focused on Darker Material (Mercury Cycle 8). We are IN TWO MINDS (Gemini) at this time. Heart and Head. Left and Right. Stay and Go. Go and Stop. This and That. Either Or.

We would do well to empty our minds and mouths of anything that poisons clear thinking, lucid reasoning, intelligent deductions. What's the use of helpful information and insight on a warped, confused or befuddled brain?

Get your head straight. That must come first. Disconnect from sources of contradictory or confused information for a time. Reset your psychic antenna. Trust that what is essential will be revealed to you and what is superficial and superfluous will wash away once the storm subsides and the winds wind down.

Just because you feel something, doesn't make it true. A wide square from Neptune/12 reminds us that some hunches lead us astray - Vegas gamblers learn this. Very useful to imprint in our heads now. Acting on emotion therefore isn't always ideal - perhaps we are misunderstanding or misinformed.

If you feel something, it's important in that you're being triggered to new insight. Perhaps the Feeling is important but the news that fostered that feeling isn't? Maybe you're being urged to make a Necessary Change and the only way to get your attention is to Make You Feel Something Impactful.

Pay attention therefore to what is said, what isn’t being said, what feels like Truth versus loud voices proclaiming their version as gospel (“the T” usually comes in quiet whispers not Noisy Announcements). Notice How you feel and Where you feel you are Done with This and Finished with That.

A lunar eclipse is an ending, a departure, a parting of the ways, a divergence. And ruler Mercury (mind) in Cycle 8 reinforces the finality of some paths, people or possibilities.

What will you Decide? What will your Bottom Line Final Decision be?

As in all tales of adventure (the Sun shines in storytelling Cycle 9, after all) in order for the Hero to evolve to the next level or cross the divide, something no longer necessary must be given up/put down in favor of only that which is necessary for the next leg of the journey.

Observe your Thoughts. Nix any Narrative within your Head. Your perspective is subjective. New angles and insight is needed - and it’s about to be offered. Stay open-minded, adaptable and ready to shift to another lane at a moment’s notice, without over-analysis, judgment or resentment.

Faith, Optimism & Hope are staunch allies in times of uncertainty. Equip your mind with all three for invincibility and spiritual protection now.

#lunareclipsegemini #cycle3 #mercuryscorpio #cycle9 #sunsagittarius #sagittariusseason #surfingyoursolarcycles #cycle8