Fantastic Fictions, Phobias, Fantasies

Memento/Rose Colored Glasses by Tre L. Loadholt

Memento/Rose Colored Glasses by Tre L. Loadholt

Venus/9 square Neptune/12: 🤩❓ building, peaks on Dec 30, fades as January unfolds.

Falling for the illusion that THIS time it will be different, that it's a sure and real thing or the belief that hope and faith will be enough to get you through - BUT also finding Hope, Faith & Optimism against all odds within chaos or while feeling lost, despite the private pain of grief, sadness or loss. Both possibilities exist.

Seeing the best in someone who may not have the best intentions towards you; Fantastic deceivers and their fantastical charm. Buyer Beware. Loving the beautifully sugar-drenched lie over the ugly, harsh truth - OR getting lost in paranoid delusions and fear-based whispers within and reading deceit where there is actually NONE!

Projecting phobias, fantasies or fictions onto possibilities thereby not seeing them clearly or accurately, blinded by your own filter and personally biased distortion.

Wake up! Pay attention! Ah, but the smell of poppies is intoxicating and it's comfier to 'sleep' a while longer. Wanting to break out of your comfort zone to see/do/experience more but feeling anxious and afraid of the risks involved.

Not being sure or certain, without guarantees or a safety net: and the possibilities of later problems and regrets OR things working out beautifully, almost magically. Both possibilities exist heightening the gamble and potential payoff. If things don't pan out, what then? Be smart and calculate the risks before you invest fully or lose more than you can afford.

Falling for fantasies, forgetting to accept that nothing is exactly how we want OR EXPECT it to be: thus be wary of investing fully in the captivating photo, blurb, window display or first impression.

Relationships now aren't content or settled: someone wants more freedom or space or excitement or variety, the other wants more privacy or to explore things they are so far keeping quiet about. There's a clash between Putting Everything on the Table and Sweeping Things Under the Rug. Can you be honest about your hidden fantasies and secret desires or upsets?

If so, you may just find someone is on exactly the same page. What is out in the open can't trip you up or hurt you. Acceptance of the truth sets you free. Withholding or gaslighting, keeps us all from evolving with all the facts. We sabotage ourselves now when we deceive others.

Hiding your true feelings or desires, only pollutes and distorts, creating an air of mistrust and a further hiding of the truth for fear of judgment or because safety to share is lacking. Offer an environment of non-judgment by simply removing labels, opinions, or judgments from your own perceptions, best you can.

Financially, we are susceptible to scams and things too good to be true, due to being sensitive and more open to something better than the status quo. Or spending on things that will alleviate boredom or shift our emotional state but which could come with a higher price later in the form of debt, depression, danger, loss or the inevitable comedown of unavoidable reality seeping in again.

#venusneptune #venussagittarius #neptunesagittarius #cycle9 #surfingyoursolarcycles