Full Moon Cycle 4: There's no place like Home


It all comes back to how you feel, in the end. Cycle 4 is the Final Resting Place, whether that be the bed we lay down on when we sleep each night or our final death bed and eternal slumber.

It all comes back to what went on when we were young. The quality of our childhood fertilizer - the nurturing given or lacking - that sets us up for fruitful blossoms or root rot.

We are not doomed to repeat the pains of the past but we are cosmically ordained to revisit them at specific points along our path. Re-live to Re-lieve. As the saying goes, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

This Full Moon brings a lot back home to us. We are all spending more time "at home" but may not actually be feeling 'at home'. For some, home is a concept but not a physical reality, the stars a ceiling and hard, cold concrete, our bed for the night. The familiar phrase “there's no place like Home" could eerily be also read as " there's no such place as Home". Perhaps we carry a feeling of Home wherever we go, not a physical familiar place we can rely on to always be there for us but an emotional state of comfort within, in our own skin - no matter what, no matter where.

Comfort zones and our deepest most primal needs come into focus under this powerful Full Moon. Will we feel un/comfortable or in/secure? We we feel hungry or fed, held close or abandoned?

A challenging square from Chiron/1 suggests conflicts over unmet needs, anger at having our personal space violated or our emotions invalidated. Neediness is high, and normally independent folk are angry at their new dependency fighting the hands that feed or selfishly taking more than their fair share of the available resources. When appetites increase so too does greed. Remember it wasn't too long ago when people were frantically stockpiling toilet paper in the United States?

The whole Parenting issue needs to be addressed under this Full Moon. Some may say goodbye to a dear family member. Others may no longer be able to live where they were accustomed to laying their head. Changes at home or where we live and within the family are all markers of this particular Moon. If nothing else. contact family or those you consider your family, and tell them how you feel about them. Now is the time to let people know. That's the hug we now so desperately need.

Are we taking care of ourselves? Are we eating enough? Getting enough sleep? Do we have arms around us or a hand on the shoulder now and again reminding us it's going to be okay? Many of us aren't. Most of us can’t. Touch is needed but people are separated and emotions feel heavy. What we need is not within reach.

A helpful sextile from Uranus/2 reminds us that we always have a way to create what we need we just need a change of perspefrivr or perception. Perhaps we no longer need what we have always had. We can still thrive without the habits and creature comforts that have sustained us this far. Perhaps there are other ways to feel fulfilled and fed and care for those important to us.

There's an emotional lqying to rest of one particular chapter of our lives this next couple of weeks. Full moons in Cycle 4 often remind us that something is truly over and we can't go back home to what we were used to. Time has moved on and so have we.

Think back to the simple days when you were a kid and who you were - your natural preferences. What made you feel comfy and comforted. What made you feel safe and what you vowed to be as an adult. Not career wise, as a person. Despite the unfolding of this lifetime, that boy or girl is still in there. Did you become way you intended? Is there room to steer back towards that emotional anchor? It's never too late for a change of Heart.

Find a favorite eposode of a show you watched avidly in childhood. Hunt down the last episode of that series you never got to see ' how it all ended'. Go through your bookmarks and tabs and Watch Later videos.

It all comes back now. To feelings. Memories. The concept of home. The familiarity of family - or family patterns. Things change. Not even the land stays the same as mountains grow where fault lines lay.

This page of the photo album is now full. Soon it will be time to start a new scrapbook.

Leave behind the feelings that weaken you. And instead, reach for the thoughts that inspire a feeling of Coming Home To Yourself again.

No matter where life has brought you, move fully back into your life, into your body. Let go of all that has let go of you. Keep close those who hold you close. Honor where you are as where perhaps you needed to be but where you need not remain forever. Accept the home that is your Physical Body for the duration of this lifetime.

And Decide to Belong.

#cancerfullmoon #cycle4 #surfingyoursolarcycles